Welcome to my fun & games blog. I've put up a collection of widgets and fancy stuff here. If you are interested in link exchange, send me a message.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


If you haven't played this all time classic game it must be because you've been hiding out in a shack on top of a mountain in Montana for the last 20+ years. The object of the game is to move around the small yellow blob (Pacman) and chomp up the white dots. Oh, and watch out for Blinky, Pinky, Inkey, and Clyde (the spooky… (more) ghosts). Now Featuring High Scores!

Special Instructions : Use mouse to click 'Start' , Use your arrow keys to move Up/Down Left an Right. Press "M" to Mute/Unmute sound, and "P" to Pause/Unpause the game.

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